Which house for Christmas? My girlfriends parents or my family? Little complicated when you read details?
Question by dominic: Which house for Christmas? My girlfriends parents or my family? Little complicated when you read details?
Which house for Christmas? My girlfriends parents or my family? Little complicated when you read details?
Me and my girlfriend have been together almost 6 months. She has some sort of prejudice against my family because most of them are older(over40) and not married. She is very close with her family and I with mine. She met my Mother under protest and is very unhappy about meeting the rest of my family(2 brothers and 3 sisters) We spent Thanksgiving at her parents house(slept over, 1.5 hours away) she says her family makes a big deal of Christmas eve and they exchange presents then and I said I would like to be with her on xmas eve and spend the night at her parents house. So I said my family does presents on Christmas day and I would like to be with them and I would like her to be there also. She does not want to travel back on xmas day so she says its okay if I do not want to spend the holiday with her but instead with my family. I feel like she is making me choose between my family or her, is this fair? What am I missing?
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Answer by element_op
What did you do last year?
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Tagged with: Christmas • complicated • details • family • girlfriends • house • Little • parents • READ
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