Question by *Phy*: My 1 year Anniversary is coming up. What should I do?? Any suggestions?
My 1 year anniversary to the man I absolutely LoVE is coming up on December 15th. We are both participating in the planning of something to do. We do not want to spend a lot because that is also around Christmas time.We were thinking of something along the lines of a night at a nice hotel and dinner/ or breakfast. But I don’t know, I am open to hear of any special deals you may know of or any other ideas. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Dave
Your idea of a night/weekend at a nice hotel is a good one. Look for a local “resort” in your area – they might have romantic/honeymoon type weekend package deals you could take advantage of.

Some helpful advice: Remember you and your husband are newly married – you’re just starting out. As for anniversary celebrations and gifts, “start small and work your way up” as time goes by. If you blow your bankroll on your first anniversary, what are you going to have left over for your 2nd? Kind of makes you stop, think, and go “Hmmmmm?”

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Question by betty: Suggestions for places to travel in early December? Live in Dallas. Need relaxing 1wk trip, fairly inexpensive
Interested in Caribbean destinations, big cities, mountain destinations, Europe… as long as husband and I can do it in 6-8 days and it will be relaxing and won’t break the bank! (I will be in my second trimester of pregnancy.) Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Dominic
Go to Cabo San Lucas

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!