Question by quickshot12: Do I take the risk of booking a Vegas Hotel at the last minute?
I am heading to Las Vegas in mid December this year and wanting to stay at a nice hotel. I noticed that if I was to book a hotel within the month the prices are extremely cheap for suites etc. I assume that mid December is a low season for Vegas and was thinking of leaving my booking until the month before to see what kind of deal I could get. Is it likely for rooms to book up and become expensive?
Best answer:
Answer by lvgeno
Christmas week that is exactly what happens for the next two weeks until after the new year. Then the conventions start and prices will stay high for another two or three weeks From Thanksgiving until the week before Christmas people use their money to buy gifts …. once the gifts are purchases then they can go on their vacation. Christmas day is one of the crowded days of the year here. On the strip last year almost 50 percent of the tourists were non English speaking and most of them were Asian.
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