Question by blahblah gurl: Should i go on a trip with people I never hang around?
Here is the deal….I am 28 yrs old and the last few years I have been going on vacation by myself! I need it! I work alot! and i dont have anyone to be with…
MY cousin sent me at the beganing of the yr a cruise deal. I didnt think about it…I just said yes. I have one more payment left and I am deciding If I want to go.
I have no idea who else is going to be on there. Im pretty much going on chance. The type of person I am is I love everybody! so I will get along with anyone. I do want to go. but at the same time IM SCARED!
but at the same time i am dealing with some health issues. anyone who knows someone who has food sensitivity and food allergies. ( you cant eat nothing) u understand……its terrible!
so DO I go and have FUN! or back out of it especially because of my health issues. The trip is in december.
i have to pay on it within 2 days from now. WHAT TO DO?
Best answer:
Answer by Wilson Cha
You should go and have fun. You might meet some new people.
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