Question by jdbinga: We are trying to find the best deal to Cebu for the month of December to January?
i have searched and searched on the internet. I know about all the standard search engines for travel. Four Adults traveling. If I could fly into another SE Asian city then onto Philippines this would be ok. Why is it so much higher to fly directly into cebu than say Ho chi Minh then onto Cebu? Any help would be appreciated. thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Chris
Although Cebu is an International Airport, the volume of international flights there is quite smaller compared to the traffic in manila. It would be best to take a flight to manila then another connecting flight to cebu
Philippine Airlines has over 5-6 flights to cebu everyday
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Question by pari: I am planning to travel to las vegas during christmas with my hubby and 20 month old son.?
Where should I stay(where I would get a good deal) and what all can i do with family. Thanks in advance
Best answer:
Answer by phem45
First off, I would not take a child to Las Vegas, it is not a place for children, but if you have to go, the Paris is nice and also we are staying in the Riveria in April. If money is no object the Bellagio or the Palms would be nice. As for things to do, the Red Rock Canyon is nice and also the Hoover Dam
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Question by plecostomusmodel: Travel advice for going to Spain for one month in december?
Top destinations?
Can I make it for a month on $ 1000 including all food, light travel, and cheap accomodations?
What the weather like and light avalibility?
Best answer:
Answer by Bermudaful
…depending on the exchange rate…probably no…
europe is expensive
you could save on travel costs by renting a car (sometimes they have deals like 1euro a day) but then you’ll still have to pay for gas
and then you’ll have to pay for parking
if you never eat out you can do well because bread, wine and certain sandwich “fillers” can be super cheap
staying places can be cheap too
i dunno it’s a really tight budget…i honestly don’t know….depending on where you want to go and what you want to see
so much of spain is about it’s regional foods
and you’ll probably want to see museums…some have free days…usually wednesdays and weekends…
COLD COLD COLD rainy wet
at least in Madrid
but I’m from Bermuda so right now i’m freezy my bumpy off and it’s only October!
top destinations:
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