january travel deals
by lisby1

Question by Josh W: Cheap travel from Madrid to other European destinations?
Hi, I’m studying abroad in Madrid next Spring (January-May 2011) and I wanted to plan a few trips while I’m there during breaks and long weekends. I’ll already be able to do a decent amount of traveling in Spain thanks to the program, but I was wondering what other places would be ideal and cheap to travel to (aside from Portugal, which is already a definite) while I’ll be in that part of Europe, and if there are any deals/discount/money saving tips that anyone could offer. Also, if anyone knows anything about cheap travel to northern Africa from Spain, that would also be interesting to hear about as well.
Anyone who has any advice or thoughts to offer, just keep in mind that, unless I’m able to go during a 10-day holiday from school, I’ll only have about 3 days in whatever place I go to.

Thank you!! 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by nix1602
Since you time is limited
check out Easyjet.com
and Ryanair.com
They are the leading low cost airlines in Europe and offer competitive flights/prices

If you want to visit North Africa from Madrid, go visit the rock (and the mokeys) in Gibraltar
you can take the ferry from Spain to Morocco
Distance from Madrid to Gibraltar about 300 miles, nice train ride

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!