Question by dink450: Looking for good deal near the Sands Expo (December)…?
My wife and I are going to Las Vegas for a convention in December. Does anyone know of any good deals/promo codes. Any hotel recommendations would also be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Kryp2knight

I won’t act like this is not my website like the guy above

if you go to and put in your dates you will get results from up to 200 different vendors (including the guy’s vendor above me) at one time.

We have sole proprietary booking technology that will scour the internet and bring back room availability and prices from dozens of vendors including Traveolocity,Orbits,Expedia,, CheapTickets, and many many more.

If you have any reservations as to if it really works just go through my best answers and see how many times I have been given best answer by the asker by providing my website.

If you are also looking at Airfare we have the only integrated booking tehnology where Google Maps shows up and you can see where your hotel is located by nearby landmarks. Just click on the “vacations” tab and see what you can find.

Good Luck and have a great trip.

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Question by imagine0218: Traveling over Christmas- how to deal with family?
My husband is deployed right now and will be coming home late November/early December ’08. He left for deployment training shortly after we are married in October. Last Christmas we spent the entire two weeks traveling between Ft. Bragg, Virginia (where we live) and the 2 locations in PA where our families lives. It was exhausting for both of us, and it was anything but relaxing for my husband, who said he refuses to do it this year. Here’s my thing. It’s not that he doesn’t want to see everyone when he comes home from deployment, but is it wrong for us to say, “Hey, we’re spending Christmas in Hawaii, alone, for a week, to get away from it all to to have some us time”? Since we’ve been married we seriously haven’t had any time to ourselves and the only time he’s been home his entire family has been around invading our privacy…seriously it’s like we’re dating. And since we’re taking a trip, is it wrong for us to skip exchanging presents? We’re not asking for presents
This will be our late honeymoon (since we couldn’t take one….Army sent him to training 3 days after the wedding)/ welcome home/ Christmas present to ourselves trip. And its probably the last thing we do before buying a house etc.
I’m not worried about my parents. They’re 110% supportive of our decision and always have been. I”m more worried about his family, and they’re the ones who guilt tripped us last year and caused us more stress into making an extra trip only to ignore us when we got there. They’re the ones who are less understanding. They’re also the ones who never visit. They’ll go all the way to NC, but they’ll never stop in VA. I’m more wondering how I deal with them. But yea I agree I shouldn’t feel guilty, I just want to know how to respond without flipping out on them and being a b*tch. =o)

Best answer:

Answer by sydjuliaddd
I think it would be a pity if you didn’t do exactly what you are talking about….Hawaii, etc.!! Go for it! You all both deserve that time alone definitely!

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Question by stevesutherland01: I want to travel to new york and las vegas for christmas and new year who do i speak to to get the best deal?

Best answer:

Answer by jamaiciangroovin
a travel agent

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Question by achemicalsunset: Where’s a good travel destination for January in which I can find a reasonable deal and it isn’t very cold.?
I’m from New York and I want to go on a trip during winter break in January, but I need to find something reasonably priced. I was thinking Vegas, but perhaps I would like somewhere a little warmer at that time of the year, so that I can get away from the cold for a few days. Even a cruise would be cool because I have never been on one before. Any suggestions of places to go or websites to check out would be great.

Best answer:

Answer by Erin
Carnival cruises- are 70 dollars a day. I wstart working for them in 13 days!

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