Question by tal7080: Where i can find affordable flight to costa rica?
Hello everyone,
I am planing to go to costa rica and i would like to get an idea where i can find the best flight deal to there i am looking forward to go this month december and i just want to get an idea where i can search for a flight and found a affordable deal?
Looking forward to hear from you,
Best answer:
Answer by rararoo2
i don´t think that there is a special place for the super deal you are looking for….check and compare is about all you can do….i am from Sacramento,Cal and now live here….what i do is check different airports…San Fransisco may be much cheaper so i may go there and bus to Sac….once there was a $ 160 rd trip but it was north of LA….$ 400 cheaper so i went and bused to Sac again
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Question by Josh: CRUISE QUESTIONS !!! How expensive is stuff on the islands (cayman islands and costa maya mexico) PLEASE READ!
Me and my girl are going on a cruise in december, the two stops are Georgetown, Cayman Islands and Costa Maya, Mexico. We want to rent jet skis and drink and stuff, is it really expensive on the islands or pretty cheap?
Are those nice places to stop? The cruise is through royal carribean and we got a smoken deal on a 5 night cruise.
Best answer:
Answer by Adam C
I’ve only been to the Cayman Islands, but I can tell you that stuff there is a little pricey. But not unaffordably expensive! And Georgetown is a pretty cool place, but I suggest hitting the beach there! It’s awesome!
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Question by supperted: are there good cheap hotels in costa rica?
I want to go to Costa Rica in December. Where can I get good hotel deals on both coasts. Do I need to make reservations or can I move about freely from day to day?
Best answer:
Answer by jamec
This can help you to find nice hotel deals.we can check and compare current hotel prices along with reviews at “hotels combined”
good luck..
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