by bill barber
Question by tal7080: Where i can find affordable flight to costa rica?
Hello everyone,
I am planing to go to costa rica and i would like to get an idea where i can find the best flight deal to there i am looking forward to go this month december and i just want to get an idea where i can search for a flight and found a affordable deal?
Looking forward to hear from you,
Best answer:
Answer by rararoo2
i donĀ“t think that there is a special place for the super deal you are looking for….check and compare is about all you can do….i am from Sacramento,Cal and now live here….what i do is check different airports…San Fransisco may be much cheaper so i may go there and bus to Sac….once there was a $ 160 rd trip but it was north of LA….$ 400 cheaper so i went and bused to Sac again
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