Question by C is the Man: What can I do about losing weight?
Alright here is the deal I am a 20 year old MALE and I weight about 200 pounds, I stand 6 feet 3 inches tall. Yes I know doesn’t sound like I am overweight but I have a potbelly and I am shame to say but I also have man boobs (em-brassing, not huge but could be noticeable in some shirts). It seems like everything goes to my belly and breast, for my legs and arms are average size. Also I am a very picky eater I only eat things like pizza, hamburgers(plain only the meat and bun), salads (only lettuce) with oil and vinegar, and chicken fingers. I don’t like a lot of fruits; I only like grapes, apples, and oranges. I rarely eat fruit because sometimes it makes my throat itch (I am not allergic) and I don’t like the feeling. I’m on a busy schedule I work 2 part time jobs and will be starting school again full time in next weeks. What can I do to get rid of the man boobs and pot belly. I know exercise but what kind of exercise do you recommend (I don’t care about being cut just losing this fat) and when should I see results…..I want to do fun things that I am afraid to do because of my body image such as swimming. Please help and please be specific because I don’t want to have heart attack before I turn 30; I want to eat healthy and find a good exercise program to have a great looking body. My target date is December 3, going to a cruise and I want to swim and do other various actives that I feel em-brass to do. Thanks..
I forgot to add I drink a lot of soda too and eat junk food (Chips, cookies, and etc.)

Best answer:

Answer by ?
you need to lay down on soda and start drinking diet soda and water.

you can also get the little packs of cookies or chips they even have candy bars .

and lots and lots of exercise

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Question by Kristin: I want to get married… question about a cruise.?
Me and my fiance are wanting to get married on 10/10/10. That is a Sunday, we are so excited. We have been together for 5 years ago and he purposed on December 23rd 2009, our anniversary. We have talked about getting married for about 2 years now and we have always said that we wanted to get away for the wedding.honeymoon. We have decided about a year ago that we want to get married on a cruise and have our honeymoon while we are on the ship. Does anybody know any good deals on cruises? I have checked out a couple of things online but I cannot really figure out whats a scam and whats not. I did find out about the Caribbean Cruise liner ship, that you can get married on that but I cannot find anything out about the date. 10/10/10 is the date that we absolutely want. Perfect 10 on our engagement, perfect 10 on our marriage and a perfect 10 on our life together. Its may sound korney but we love it. We are so excited but we need a little help on finding a good website or something that will lead us to more information on our wedding and honeymoon. If anybody can help, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much!
God Bless,

Best answer:

Answer by skacian
We have been on 15 cruises, and have seen couples dressed in wedding garb, which tells me they had their ceremony on the cruise. I think your best source would be a travel agent, as they can give you the comparison of the different cruise lines that accommodate you. Congratulations!!

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Question by dejavu_nonstop: Does anyone have any information about finding a cheap cruise?
Trying to go on a cruise in december over christmas or new years. Can anyone give me some advice on good cruise lines and money saving deals?

Best answer:

Answer by britney j
royal carribean is nice. ive heard of celebrity cruises as well. usually if you talk to an agent from the ship company they have offers, otherwise a travel agent. hope it helps 🙂

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