Looking for a cheap, 7 day cruise to Hawaii?
Question by Princess Ann: Looking for a cheap, 7 day cruise to Hawaii?
Where can I find a cheap 7 day cruise to Hawaii, that is scheduled for December 07 or January 08, for 3 people. I know I heard on the news the other day that January-March is “wave season” where the cruise lines give out great deals but how do I find them? I’ve tried, Royal Caribbean, Princess Cruise Lines, Norwiegan (sp?) Cruise line, and Carnival and I haven’t found a 7 day cruise yet. Anyone know of a travel agency online that could help or where to go for a great deal?
Anyone have any use-able suggestions? Other than “You’ll be looking for a long time” Oh and cheap is if possible no more than 1000 per person, I live in California so maybe a departure from LAX or a Flight included into the price to Hawaii for the departure.
Best answer:
Answer by robert m
You’ll be looking a long time.
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Tagged with: cheap • cruise • Hawaii • Looking
Filed under: December Cruise Deals
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