Is December Good To Vegas?
Question by mojito_maniac: Is December Good To Vegas?
I’m thinking about going from Dec 21-Dec 23 three nights
that’s sun, mon, and tues
But the downside is I will be returning on christmas eve (ouch!)
are there usually deals and stuff going on at this time? I don’t turn 21 till august so I will look for promo codes near that time to book
how is vegas in december? are the hotel pools open?
Best answer:
Answer by cc
Vegas in December is awesome, but it can be chilly! Alot of the main drink bar pools aren’t open like they would be during the summer and spring months. And the ones that are open close early, which is a disappointment because that means not 10pm soak in the hot tubs.
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Tagged with: December • good • Vegas
Filed under: December Hotel Deals
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