January Travel Deals Archives

Question by kitty: Anyone have a promotional code for airline travel during January?
Any airline is great! I’m just trying to find the best deal! 🙂

Best answer:

Try this site you dont need a code it has other links on it for accom as well it a free members club on the net

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Question by achemicalsunset: Where’s a good travel destination for January in which I can find a reasonable deal and it isn’t very cold.?
I’m from New York and I want to go on a trip during winter break in January, but I need to find something reasonably priced. I was thinking Vegas, but perhaps I would like somewhere a little warmer at that time of the year, so that I can get away from the cold for a few days. Even a cruise would be cool because I have never been on one before. Any suggestions of places to go or websites to check out would be great.

Best answer:

Answer by Erin
Carnival cruises- are 70 dollars a day. I wstart working for them in 13 days!

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Question by amo45: where can i get the best deals on travel from the u.s. to jamaica in january 2008?
I go with my husband and 2 sons every january and seem to check everywhere to find the most affordable vacationpackage maybe i’m missing something?

Best answer:

Answer by brenbren
try jamaica air they have good rates on plane and hotel deals

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Question by lailage: Cheap travel deals to San Francisco in January?
Anyone know how to get a cheap hotel in SF for two, for under 60 a night. I looked at a lot of places already and anything decent was over 100 a night. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by tonalc1
Well, you get what you pay for; under $ 60 in the city will be a dump. You’ll find much cheaper rates at hotels close to the airport. Or you might look into hostels; in some you can reserve a room for two.

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