How far ahead is too far ahead when booking a flight from the US to UK?
Question by sandra: How far ahead is too far ahead when booking a flight from the US to UK?
I am planning to visit a friend in London around the end of December 2008 beginning of January 2009. The problem is I am not 100% sure I will still want to visit in 6 months. How far ahead should I book my flight and still get a good deal? Can I book it 3 months ahead and still pay the same as booking 6 months ahead?
Best answer:
Answer by silentnonrev
simple answer is: no-one knows what conditions will be like next month, let alone in 6 months. Will oil go to $ 200/barrel? $ 250? If you are not sure you want to go, I would say hold off, because almost all tickets are non-refundable except the most expensive ones.
Assuming “normal” economic conditions… should still be OK three months out. Just make sure to buy your ticket with a credit card, in case the airline you choose goes belly up!
Buon viaje
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Tagged with: ahead • booking • flight • from
Filed under: December Flight Deals
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