Q&A: What can I do about losing weight?
Question by C is the Man: What can I do about losing weight?
Alright here is the deal I am a 20 year old MALE and I weight about 200 pounds, I stand 6 feet 3 inches tall. Yes I know doesn’t sound like I am overweight but I have a potbelly and I am shame to say but I also have man boobs (em-brassing, not huge but could be noticeable in some shirts). It seems like everything goes to my belly and breast, for my legs and arms are average size. Also I am a very picky eater I only eat things like pizza, hamburgers(plain only the meat and bun), salads (only lettuce) with oil and vinegar, and chicken fingers. I don’t like a lot of fruits; I only like grapes, apples, and oranges. I rarely eat fruit because sometimes it makes my throat itch (I am not allergic) and I don’t like the feeling. I’m on a busy schedule I work 2 part time jobs and will be starting school again full time in next weeks. What can I do to get rid of the man boobs and pot belly. I know exercise but what kind of exercise do you recommend (I don’t care about being cut just losing this fat) and when should I see results…..I want to do fun things that I am afraid to do because of my body image such as swimming. Please help and please be specific because I don’t want to have heart attack before I turn 30; I want to eat healthy and find a good exercise program to have a great looking body. My target date is December 3, going to a cruise and I want to swim and do other various actives that I feel em-brass to do. Thanks..
I forgot to add I drink a lot of soda too and eat junk food (Chips, cookies, and etc.)
Best answer:
Answer by ?
you need to lay down on soda and start drinking diet soda and water.
you can also get the little packs of cookies or chips they even have candy bars .
and lots and lots of exercise
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Tagged with: about • losing • weight
Filed under: December Cruise Deals
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