Question by Dianaramaa: When is the best time to book hotels for New York during Christmas time?
I’m trying to find good deals for New York (Midtown Manhattan Hotels) for the first week of December and I was wondering when the best time to buy was? I know rates start to sky rocket but do certain hotels have deals or anything? All in all should I just book months ahead or wait about a month or two before for deals or such and book then?

Best answer:

Answer by Jamerican Steve
Book it now to guarantee a vacancy in the hotel you want near the holiday tree.
Hotels have seasonal rates so it will be more expensive the closer it gets.
By checking earlier, you can see which hotels has the best rate and amenities.

Only do this if you are guaranteed to come to NY to avoid cancellation fees.

Hotels packages will have a good deal but be sure to read the fine print.
Often you will have to use a certain airline, hotel rewards or credit card.

Good luck.

Helpful links: (Open/Closed on Christmas) (Things to pack and avoid)

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